Object Technology Technical Overvierw
Explain the driving forces for object technology and describe the history of its development
Define terms related to object technology and explain fundamental object-oriented concepts
Define object-oriented analysis and design
List and describe leading analysis and design methodologies
Explain object-oriented analysis techniques and the process of object-oriented design
List and describe tools and languages used for object-oriented development
Define and describe components and component frameworks
Describe the roles and skills needed for object-oriented development
Why object technology?
Driving forces for object technology
Computing context
Objects everywhere
Object concepts and characteristics
Classes and their characteristics
Analysis methods and notations
Object-oriented development life cycle
Incremental model
Analysis and design methods
Review of analysis techniques
Review of analysis notation
Object-oriented design
GUI design considerations
Perform design
Class libraries
Graphical user interface tools
Object-oriented databases
Development considerations
Distributed component frameworks
Distributed objects
Object management architecture and the common object
Compound document framework
Changing skill requirements in the development life cycle
The project team’s roles and responsibilities
Skills and training
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