Object Technology Technical Overvierw
Current Version: 11-0150-0102
This technical overview provides an introduction to the concepts and benefits of object-oriented techniques. The overview describes the concepts of encapsulation, abstract data types, message passing, inheritance and polymorphism. The differences between object-oriented design and traditional methods are discussed and the important organizational implications of adopting an object-oriented approach are considered.
An understanding of business applications and familiarity with the process of analysis and design for a typical software development project are helpful.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, participants should be able to:
Explain the driving forces for object technology and describe the history of its development
Define terms related to object technology and explain fundamental object-oriented concepts
Define object-oriented analysis and design
List and describe leading analysis and design methodologies
Explain object-oriented analysis techniques and the process of object-oriented design
List and describe tools and languages used for object-oriented development
Define and describe components and component frameworks
Describe the roles and skills needed for object-oriented development
Intended Audience
This course may prove useful to people such as
IT (information technology) managers and staff who are transitioning to an object-oriented software development approach.
Next Steps
Those wishing to pursue the topic further could consider one of the following:
1 day
Instructor-led seminar.
Course Outline
Introduction to Object Technology
Why object technology?
Driving forces for object technology
Computing context
Object-oriented concepts
Objects everywhere
Object concepts and characteristics
Classes and their characteristics
Object-Oriented Analysis
Analysis methods and notations
Object-oriented development life cycle
Incremental model
Analysis and design methods
Performing object-oriented analysis
Review of analysis techniques
Review of analysis notation
Perform analysis
OO Design and Development
Object-oriented design
GUI design considerations
Perform design
Object-oriented tools
Class libraries
Graphical user interface tools
Object-oriented databases
Development considerations
Implementing Object Technology
Distributed component frameworks
Distributed objects
Object management architecture and the common object
Compound document framework
Building a career in object technology
Changing skill requirements in the development life cycle
The project team’s roles and responsibilities
Skills and training
Appendix: Object Technology Definitions
Hardware and Software Requirements
Overhead projector, flipcharts. No computers are required.
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