Perl Programming Language
The PERL programming language is well-known for its abilities to operate on
textual data, and produce summaries and reports. However it has many other
features and abilities, making it good for a general programming language.
This course covers some of the enormous array of PERL functionality, to allow
a student to start solving real problems using the language.
Previous experience with another programming language.
5 Days
Instructor-led course, with practical computer-based exercises.
Course Outline
Course overview
Getting Started
chop, chomp, operators, stdin, stdout, pipes, if statements, loops, regular expressions, file I/O,
Operators and Literals
comparison operators, bitwise operators, logical operators, quoting, octal and hex
Flow Control
while, until, for, foreach, do-while, do-until, next, last, redo, open OR die
Lists and Arrays
Splitting a Table into a List, Lists and Arrays, Operations on Arrays, Functions that Operate
on Arrays, Command Line Arguments, Scalar and Vector context
inialising, accessing, keys and values, lookups, word frequency program, reading a file into a
hash, searching hashes, environment variables
Passing Parameters, Using @_, Returning Lists and Scalars, Local and Global Variables,
Difference between 'my' and 'local', Function Prototypes
PERL Running in nawk Mode, $_ and $@, References, Using references with functions,
Passing Arrays to functions, <> operator, Exception Handling
Modules and Packages
Defining and Using Modules, Defining and Using Packages, Exporting functions, Defining
the Inheritance Tree, How to Require a Module, How to Use a Module
Object Orientation
Classes, Objects, Attributes, Methods, Blessing Objects, Constructors,
Buttons, Checkbuttons, Layout Managers, Drawing Shapes, Scrolling Widgets, Mouse
Events, Menus, Timers
Web Programming with CGI
Overview of CGI, Writing a simple Perl CGI script, Using the CGI module, Using forms,
Object Oriented CGI
Database Programming
DBI, connecting to a database, creating a database, INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, databse
error handling
Pattern Matching
String Functions, Pattern Matching, Defining Regular Expressions, Simple Patterns,
Complex Patterns, Substitution
Hardware and Software Requirements
A UNIX machine with Perl installed, and a suitable text editor.