Welcome to Data Deliverance

You are an organisation with a multiplicity of needs - technical, staffing and training, which would benefit by a coherent coverage of these things, from one base? You are looking for high-quality, reasonably priced services?

Our aim, through sensitive observation, analysis and conference, is to meet this. With communication and interaction a major emphasis we let you know both what's being done, and its implications. Speaking in plainly understood terms, not techno-jargon, our plan is to understand your case, providing development of potential both in staff, software and equipment.

Helping your staff work more productively

Imagine how much more effective your staff could be if they knew how to get the most out of the software tools they're using. How much more could your systems administrators and software developers achieve if they had expert training in the systems and languages they are using? What about the team that you need to get up to speed for a new project?

With many years of experience in assessing needs, developing training programmes and delivering courses, we can provide customised training to suit your needs, instead of just presenting a standard curriculum. Think custom training sounds expensive? We specialise in training that is both customised and very affordable.

Helping you get the most out of your data

With expertise gained in providing a very broad range of services for clients in the commercial, government and education sectors, we specialise in aiding maximal use of company information and records, giving access to them in forms useful and appealing, both to their customers and staff.

Our procedure is sensitively to interpret your current operating procedures, to evaluate and assess how they could be improved, and to increase your understanding of the systems used and their potential. We emphasise staff capacity to make the best use of the systems and to communicate with each other in their overall tasks.



Ada Programming

We are pleased to announce that we are able to offer both training and training manuals in the area of Ada Programming. This language is in widespread use especially in the defence industry. The course covers all current versions of Ada from Ada 83 to Ada 2005

Click HERE for more details!

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