Pratical Java™ Topics
The Java platform has many powerful capabilities to help developers in
the day to day tasks of creating good software systems. Some of this
are built into the langauge, and some are separate tools that have
become widely adopted because of their usefulness.
This one day course looks at the following three tools that can be of
enoromous help to programmers that are writing Java systems:
ant: A Java-based build tool that uses XML configuration files to
control the build
JUnit: A testing framework that simpleifies writing and maintaing
test code. This course uses JUnit 4, and the Java 5 annotations
associated with it.
Logging with log4J, Commons Logging, or Java logging: Logging
packages that make logging efficient and easy to use
These technologies are very powerful, yet it is easy to learn the
basics in a very short time. This one day course provides those basics,
and gives programmers the experience necessary to use these tools to be
more productive and create better software systems.
All labs can be done with the Eclipse IDE or a simple editor, and the
lab instructions include detailed directions on both environments.
Course Objectives
On completion of this course, the student should be able to
Understand how ant and buildfiles work
Use ant to control a build; create buildfiles
Be familiar with testing and test-driven development
Use JUnit to create good testing structures for your Java code
Be aware of the different logging choices available in Java
Use the most popular Java logging frameworks to create good logging
1 Day
50% hands-on, 50% lecture
Course Outline
ant: Basics
ant Overview
Installing and Running ant
Buildfiles, Projects, Targets and Tasks
Creating Build Files
Resource Collections - FileSets, DirSets, Files, PatternSets
Other Resource Collections and Selectors
Running ant
Creating and Using Buildfiles
Using Basic ant Tasks
Working with Paths
Using Resource Collections
ant: Tasks
Overview of ant Tasks
The Task in Depth
The Task in Depth
Creating Java Archives - jar, war, ear
File Related Tasks
Other Useful Tasks
Working with javac and java
Creating Archives
Working With File Tasks
ant: Modularity
Properties Files
The Task and SubProjects
The Task For Importing Buildfiles
Working With Properties Files
Creating Modular Buildfiles
JUnit: Basics
JUnit Overview, Test Driven Development
Tests and Assertions
Running Tests
Working With Exceptions
Writing Tests
Running Tests
Testing Exceptions
JUnit: Organizing Tests
Writing Fixtures - @Before, @After
Test Suites
Other Capabilities
The ant Task
Using Fixtures
Using Suites
Logging: Basics
Logging Overview
log4j Overview
Loggers, Appenders, Layouts
Configuring log4j
Using log4j
Setting Up log4j
Using Basic log4j Logging
Logging: More On log4j
Logger Heirarchy
Logging Levels
Working With Appenders
Using PatternLayout
Working With Loggers
Working With Appenders
Using Layouts
Logging: Other Logging Frameworks
Java Logging
Apache Commons Logging
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