Apache Web Server Workshop
The Apache web server software is very widely used, and is the default server supplied on Linux and Solaris™ systems. This workshop will enable you to obtain, install and configure the web server, using many advanced features, security and logging options.
Attendees must have sound basic UNIX/Solaris/Linux experience including systems administration and IP network configuration. Some knowledge of HTML and web technology would also be an advantage.
1 Day
Instructor-led course, with practical computer-based exercises.
Course Outline
Introduction, Obtaining the latest source, configuring the source code.
httpd start-up command line options, Directory location and other admin issues
Logging, Info and Status options, Common Log Format, HTTP Status codes.
Handling Error codes with ErrorDocument.
Apache Modules - Understanding and configuring.
Virtual Hosts configuration and control.
CGI scripts - location, examples, interaction with web server. suEXEC.
Redirection using Alias, Redirect, UserDir and ReWrite
Proxy server configuration with example directives.
Security and secure transactions, authorisation and authentication of hosts and users.
Web site permissions, ownerships, using htaccess.
Overview of HTTPS and certificates.
3rd party additions and options.
Hardware and Software Requirements
One workstation running Linux or Solaris for each student, as well other systems for testing.
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