JDBC - Java Database Connectivity
JDBC is a Java technology for accessing SQL databases. It is a core
part of J2EE, and it works with every major database product. This
hands-on course covers all the details that you will need to use JDBC
to access the information in your databases using Java. It also talks
about real world issues in using JDBC.
All labs can be done with the Eclipse IDE or a simple editor, and the
lab instructions include detailed directions on both environments.
Course Objectives
On completion of this course, the student should be able to
Understand the JDBC architecture
Connect to different databases with JDBC
Understand the JDBC API
Execute SQL statements using JDBC, and retrieve results
Call stored procedures from JDBC
Understand and control transactions with JDBC
Retrieve information about database structure using
Use Advanced JDBC features
1 Days
50% hands-on, 50% lecture
Course Outline
Relational Database and JDBC Overview
Overview, Table Relationships, Web Based Data Access, JDBC
JDBC Architecture, JDBC API Overview
DriverManager, JDBC Drivers
Naming databases with JDBC URLs
Connecting to a database
Connection interface, Establishing a connection
Handling Database Exceptions
Data Access
DAO – Data Access Objects, O-R Mapping, Value Objects
Processing Database Data
Executing statements, precompiled statements and stored
Processing ResultSets,
Dealing with Null data
Updating, inserting, retrieving data
Controlling Transactions
JDBC Driver Types
J2EE and DataSource
Using JNDI
Connection Pooling
Overview, Usage, Advantages, Statement Pooling
Advanced Topics
Other Database Access Technologies
SQLJ, O-R Mapping Tools, JDO (Java Data Objects), EJB Entity
Advanced JDBC Features
Batch Updates, Srollable Result Sets, Rowsets, User Defined
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