Requirements Analysis and Modeling with Use Cases
Current Version: 12-0250-0201
This intensive, hands-on course addresses the requirements analysis process by applying Use Case modeling techniques. Through a series of lectures and lab exercises, course attendees will thoroughly explore designing and developing Use Cases and using them to gather and analyze requirements.
This course can be taught with or without a visual modeling tool such as Rational Rose or Visio although no specific training is provided on these tools.
Participants should be familiar with the basics of analysis and design and the software development lifecycle.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, participants should be able to:
Describe the requirements analysis process, industry standards, and best practices
Apply Use Case modeling to define business and system requirements
Develop Use Case models
Explain the components of a Use Case
Explain how Use Cases drive design, development, testing, and documentation activities
Apply Use Case modeling for change and scope management during the lifecycle of a project
Describe the tools that can be used for Use Case modeling
Intended Audience
This course may prove useful to people such as
business Analysts, Business Users, System/Software Analysts, Software Designers, and anyone else who is involved in requirements capture, specification, use, or management.
1 day
Instructor-led course, with written exercises and interactive activities.
Course Outline
Requirements Analysis
The Requirements Analysis Process
Industry Standards and Best Practices
Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Rational Unified Process (RUP)
The Requirements Matrix
Business Process Modeling
Tools for Business Process Modeling
Activity Diagrams
Use Cases and Actors
Use Case Diagrams
Tools for Use Case Modeling
Components of a Use Case Diagram
Types of Actors
Relationship between Actors and Use Cases
Components of a Use Case
Introduction to Components
Input and Output
Frequency and Issues
Super Use Case and Sub Use Case
Design and Development with Use Cases
Uses and Extends Relationships
Applying Use Cases
Custom Development
Package Development
Use Cases as Test Scripts
Role of Use Cases
Level of Detail
Managing Scope Creep
Change Management
Traceability Check
Use Case Modeling Activity
Modeling Use Cases: Start to Finish
Develop Activity Diagram
Identify Actors
Identify Use Cases
Develop Use Cases
Model Use Case-Actor relationship
Model Uses relationship
Model Extends relationship
Develop Use Case Diagram
Hardware and Software Requirements
Overhead projector, flipcharts. No computers are required, although systems
installed with a drawing package or UML modelling software may be used for
some exercises if desired.
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